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      当前位置:合肥中国科技大学家教中心平台 >> 高中动态 >> 八年级上学期英语第二单元复习,合肥家教中心提供


      1.I have a stomachache.

      Ache常指连续的、局部的疼痛,常和表示身体部位的词连用,一起构成复合词。 Headache头疼   backache背疼  toothache牙疼

      2.I have a cold.我感冒了。

      Have a cold==get a cold==catch a cold意为“患感冒”

      3 lie down and rest.


      lie-lay-lain 躺 


      rest动词,表示“休息”相当于have a rest.

      3. hot tea with honey

      with在这里是“具有、含有”的意思,这里用到了介词短语作后置定语的知识。With honey修饰tea放在其后。

      4. 小结with的用法


      I will have a dinner with my teacher.


      He open the door with the key.


       Our teacher came into the classroom with a dictionary.


      He is a handsome boy with curl hair.

      5.maybe you should see a dentist.

      See a dentist==go to the dentist’s   看牙医

      See a doctor==go to the doctor’s  看医生

       I ‘m not feeling well.


      The baby is feeling hungry.

       6. I think so我想是这样

       I don’t think so.我想不是这样

      7. I hope you feel better soon.

      You feel better soon是一个句子作宾语,叫做宾语从句。可以由连词that引导。That有时候可以省掉。

      I hope (that) you feel better soon.

      I think (that) you are right.

      I know (that) you are good at English.


     Hope that 引导宾语从句 I hope they can come.

     Hope to do sth   I hope you to come soon.

      9.what is the matter with… 意为“怎么啦”

      What is the matter with you?

      What is the matter with the computer?

       10. what’s the matter的同义句

       What’s wrong?

       What’s the trouble?

       What’s the problem?



      We should listen to our teacher carefully in class.

      Should I tell him the news?

      We shouldn’t be late for school.

       12 traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.  

      Traditinal Chinese doctors 传统中医


       13. believe“相信、认为”跟名词、代词作宾语,

       Believe sb“相信某人的话” I believe you.

      believe in sb“信任某人的人品” He is honest,you can belive in him.

       14. eating fruits is good for you


       15. But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.


       out 是副词,表示“彻底地、完全地”

       be stressed out过度紧张的,有压力的。

       Stress是名词,意为“压力、紧张”。  Under stress“在…压力下”

       16.But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.

         who are too stressed out and angry 是一个由who引导的定语从句,修饰前面的名词people,定语从句总是放在被修饰的词后面。

        He is the man who gave me the book.他就是那个给了我书的人。

       17.it’s easy to have a healthy life, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.

       It is +adj +to do sth句型中,it叫形式主语,代替真正的主语to do sth。

       意为“干…是…的”。因为不定式做主语较长,而谓语部分相对较短,it代替后就克服了头重脚轻的弱点。有时候为了指出不定式动作的执行者,可以在不定式之前加上for sb 构成:

      it is+adj+for sb+ to do sth” 表示“对某人而言干…是…的” sb是不定式 to do逻辑上的主语。

      It is dangeous for children to play with fire.

      It is interesting to go swimming.

      18 stay healthy==keep healthy==be in good health 三者都表示“保持健康” 

      19 I like your school in Beijing,but I ‘m not feeling very well at the moment.

      本句由是but连接的并列句 。

      介词短语in Beijing作定语,修饰school,

      At the moment==now此时、此刻,相当于now


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