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      当前位置:合肥中国科技大学家教中心平台 >> 初中资讯 >> 八年级上学期英语第一单元复习,合肥家教网提供


       1.talk about sth谈论、谈论关于…的事

      talk with sb与某人交流、与某人谈论

      talk to sb跟某人交谈,强调单方面的说给某人听。

      2 how often提问的是频率,意为“多久一次”

      How often does Bill go to the movies?

      Twice a week.

      3 Once一次  twice 两次 three times 三次  four times四次

      Once a month  twice a week   three times a year   four times a day


      How soon 表示“多久以后” 用“in+一段时间”来回答

      How soon will the girl come to China again? 那个女孩多久以后再次来中国?

      In about half a year. 大约半年以后

      how long表示“(动作、状态持续或干某事花费)多长时间”

      how long===how much time


      How long did your father work here?你父亲在这里工作多久了?

      For two years.两年

      how far 表示“(路程或距离)多远” 用“表示距离的词或短语” 回答

      How far is it from the museum to the cinema?博物馆距电影院有多远

      Six miles六英里

      how many\much 表示“(数量)多少”,其中how many提问的是可数名词

      how much 提问不可数名词

      How many times have you been to the Great wall?你去过长城几次?

      For two times两次

      How much water did you drink this morning?你今早喝了多少水

      Three glassed of water. 三杯水

      在提问商品的价格、付款的多少时用how much

       How much does the book cost?

      how old提问年龄

      5.he sometimes watches TV.

      Sometimes是一个时间副词,和always  often  usually  hardly ever  never等一样,都表示动作频率,多用于一般时态,常放在实义动词之前,系动词和情态动词、助动词之后。有时候为了加强语气这些副词也可放在句首或句末。

      He often goes to school on foot.

      I have never smoked.

      She is sometimes beautiful.

       6.exercise 作动词“锻炼、运动”,作名词“锻炼、运动、练习”

       We should exercise every day. 做动词

       Doing morning exercises can keep us healthy作名词

       7.As for homework,most students do homework every day.

        As for相当于一个介词,意为“至于、关于、就…而言”

       As for him,he won’t go shopping .至于他,是不会去购物的

      8 the results for “watch TV” is interesting.

      The result for表示“关于…的结果”  the result of …的结果,两者可互换。Result是可数名词

      The results make us happy.

      We all know the results for the development of China.我们都知道中国的发展带来的结果

      The results of the discussion are different.


      9. I read books about twice a week.

      About “大约、几乎” 近义词是around

       10. how often do you drink milk?

       drink,作及物动词,“喝、饮”  drink tea


       Don’t put ice in your drink.别在你的饮料里放冰块。

       Milk 牛奶,是个不可数名词,但可用容器来量化

       Milk is good for our health.

       Would you like a glass of milk?

       Rice   a bowl of rice

      11.she says it’s good for my health.

       be good for 对…有益处   be bad for对…有害处

      be good to对待…好 be bad to对待…不好

       we should be good to each other.我们应该善待彼此。

       The boss is always bad to the workers.这个老板总是对工人不好。

      12 health是名词“健康、健康状况”,healthy 是形容词,“健康的”,

      反义词是unhealthy.   Healthily是副词

      We all worry about your health.

      This kind of milk is pretty healthy

      Some unhealthy food may be delicious, but they are not good for our health.

      We must eat healthily to keep healthy.

      13. but I am pretty healthy.

      Pretty作副词,表示“颇,相当” The movie is pretty interesting.

       做形容词“漂亮的、美丽的”    She is a pretty girl.

      Handsome修饰男子“帅气的”    He is a handsome boy.

      14 come home from school 放学回家  come home from work下班回家

      15 my eating habits are pretty good.

      Eating habits 饮食习惯 eating 是 eat的动名词形式,在这里作定语。


      吸烟习惯 smoking habits 一个正在熟睡的婴儿a sleeping baby

      一张写字台 a writing desk  一匹奔跑的马 a running horse

      16 habit习惯  habit of doing sth做某事的习惯

      17 I try to eat a lot of vegetables.

       Try-tried-tried 尝试、努力、设法做某事 try to do sth\ try not to do sth

      Try to be here on time tomorrow.明天尽量按时来这儿

      Please try not to be late .

      18.a lot of =lots of=plenty of 大量、许多,即可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。

      19. I never drink coffe.

      Never 是个副词,具有否定意义,意思是“从不、决不” 可用于多种时态,反义词是 always


      You have never told lies, have you? 你从没说谎,对吗?

      20. of course==certainly  当然、当然可以

      21.so you see, I look after my health. 所以你看,我关心自己的健康

      So “因此、所以”,引导结果状语从句

      He is a kind man, so he has many friends.

      Because 引导原因状语从句,不能和so同出现在一个句子里面。

      Because he is a kind man, he has many friends.



       Oh, I see 噢,我明白了。

      Look after==take care of==take good care of  照料、照看、照顾、关心


      Who can look after my flowers while I am away.

       22. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?

       Lifestyle生活方式、 style 是“方式、风格”的意思,hairstyle发式

       Be the same as意为“与…相同、一样” de different from“与…不同”

       My eating habits are the same as yours.

       My eating habits are different from yours.

       Different 的名词形式是difference, “不同处、异同”,是可数名词

       The difference between A and B.  A B 的不同


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